
Ling Ting 2_side view
Ling Ting 聆听 (No. 2)


Captures the sound of the environment, and transmits the visitor’s own voice back to his/her own ears.

Sound Like (No. 8)


Sound Like is a series sound artwork that often constructed with everyday objects such as funnel and hand basin.

Ling Ting 4_Sai
Searching for Words 寻字


The action of searching in this sculpture has been put out-front, showing the artist’s struggle in finding the right thing to say at the right time, an experience shared by many others. 

Ling Ting 4_Sai
Ling Ting 聆听 (No. 4)

2013 Singapore

A permanent collection of Longni Ancient City 隆里古城 (Guizhou China).

Chitter-Chatter 01_details
Sound Like (No. 18)


Sound Like is a series sound artwork that often constructed with everyday objects such as funnel and hand basin.

Sound of the earth fukuoka_crop close
No Turn


Collection of Vehbi Koc Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey